March 13th, 2021 was a big day in the company’s growing history. On March 13th, 2020, schools across the globe closed their doors, forcing a massive shift in how education and professional development would be delivered for the foreseeable future. Code Breaker Inc. had to pivot to survive. Read our story and find out a computer science grad became the founder and CEO of a global publishing and consulting company.
Lindsay Titus has done it again with her DefineYOUniversity Journal series. A follow up to the 30 Day Journal, Lindsay brings us a 90 Day Journal for three months of intentional reflection for the busiest of educators.

Defining who you are, starts one day at a time. Beyond that, it starts with small, simple, yet strategic moments in time. The Define YOUniversity 90 Day Journal will provide educators moments of time to focus on themselves. The work we do as educators is revolutionary. It’s truly transformative. And it’s time to revolutionize and transform the way that we view ourselves too! It’s time to commit to serving yourself so that you can serve others with all of who you are. The commitment to defining who we are, starts each morning and continues through the day. And this commitment of our thoughts, our words, and our actions, guides us to creating a life full of purpose and passion inside and outside of the classroom. Pick up your copy here.
Released TODAY
In Mindset Moments, educator Andrew J. Canlé shares his strategies for overcoming the difficulties of your day to day. This 10-part credo unearths how educators can achieve their best reality to get better results both personally and professionally. From Canlé’s catalogue of riveting tid-bits making you say, “Aha!” you’ll learn how to…

- Think about your thinking and adjust your perspectives
- Stay positive amid trials and tribulations of adversity
- Overcome any obstacle and be at your best
By the end of Mindset Moments, you’ll have a renewed outlook and be equipped with guiding steps to take on any challenge that comes your way. Canlé recalibrates your thinking to be at your best no matter the circumstances!
Do You Have Your Ticket Yet?
Our Code Breaker Power Summit is just around the corner!

This year’s event is sponsored by Robotical, Wipebook and Rube Goldberg!
Visit the Summit page to learn more about our presenters and their sessions. This year we welcome Dr. Matthew X. Joseph, Chey & Pav of the Staffroom Podcast, Roman Nowak, and #TheEduSisters to name a few. This two-day event promises to deliver live professional development that will inspire and motivate, bringing us all back to our why. Get your tickets today!

Marty Meets Code Breaker
This past month Code Breaker Inc. teamed up with Robotical to put Marty The Robot in the hands of young coders across the globe!
In her blog post, Meet Marty The Robot, Daphne McMenemy gives the low down on all things Marty. From the post…
With such a vast programming environment, I’d consider Robotical’s Marty the Robot a low floor (accessible by many learners) and high ceiling (added complexity for students who are ready for more) piece of technology. Mitch Resnick, a professor at MIT and the creator of Scratch explains low floor, high ceiling according to his mentor, Seymour Papert, “For a technology to be effective, he said it should provide easy ways for novices to get started (low floor) but also ways for them to work on increasingly sophisticated projects over time (high ceiling).” Marty the Robot is exactly that!
Enjoy An Exclusive FREE Trial Offer With A REAL, Walking Robot At Your School!
Why Put Marty To The Test?
- Instant Connection – Marty is a humanoid robot with a big personality that creates an instant human connection!
- STEAM class in a box – Marty comes with lesson plans ready for your classroom
- Video & chat support with our inhouse experts to train and help you become a STEM champion
- Integrates with other areas of learning – Such as Language, Math and Health & Wellbeing
- Lots of flexibility in use – Marty is best suited for grades 2-8 but the functionality and learning resources supports all students K through 12!

A huge welcome to Georgina Dean who joined the Code Breaker team last month! You can learn more about Georgina and all of the members of our Leadership Team here.