Happy New Year!
As they say, today is the first blank page in your 365-page book…how will your book unfold?

2020 was an incredible year for Code Breaker Inc. We met so many amazing people and made life-long connections with strangers we now call family. We closed off 2020 with our 20th publication. We cannot wait for what this year has in store!
December Releases
We added two new titles to our book shelf this past month. We added Gracie: The Maker our Code Breaker Kid Collection and Unlocking Unlimited Potential to our Leadership Series.

Third in the Gracie series, by Daphne McMenemy’s Gracie: The Maker introduces us to Edie, Gracie’s newest friend. Together, Edie and Gracie create a machine to feed their class pet, Turbo the tortoise. The girls must work together to plan and design, test and retest their invention. It will take teamwork and perseverance. Will Gracie and Edie figure out a way to help Turbo? Looking to add this title to your library? Pick up your copy here.

Inside all educators is an infinite power that, once harnessed, can be contagious among all those we serve. Divided into three parts, Building the Foundation, Challenges as Opportunities for Growth, and Believing in You, this book reminds readers of their Why. Unlocking Unlimited Potential is at the core of what every educator is trying to achieve with all those they serve. In order to stay true to this vision, you must first look within. Pick up a copy of Dr. Brandon Beck’s first book here.
On the Editor’s Desk…
Up next on our release list is Dr. Lori Koerner’s Actually, I Can. While definitions of leadership vary, Lori defines leadership as three things; the choices you make, the relationships you establish, and of course, influence.

Actually, I Can is filled with inspirational stories of leadership and empowerment that remind us that it is not our titles or positions that make us leaders but our actions.
“Lori Koerner is a great new voice bringing insight, experience and humility to a much needed genre that requires the brightest of lights to be shined on it- women in leadership. Actually I Can is engaging, relatable and full of practical wisdom that both women and men can learn from. To quote the book, ‘To live a life filled with one’s highest choices and brightest outcomes, one should always continue to inspire and empower- and in turn…become inspired and empowered.’ This book is the ultimate guide in doing so.”
Code Breaker Power Summit 2021
Our 2nd annual Code Breaker Power Summit will take place
April 24-25, 2021. Leaders in education from across the continent are ready to take the virtual stage to motivate and inspire! Keep tabs on the hashtag on social media and visit the website for Summit planning announcements!

Our inaugural Summit hosted 300 participants from all over the globe. Do you have a message to share? Are you interested in presenting at this year’s Summit? Fill out the Call for Proposals form here.
The deadline for applications is January 31, 2021
Big Announcement
This past month Code Breaker Inc. teamed up with Road to Awesome, LLC to bring a new division to our publishing team! Darrin and the Road To Awesome crew want to tell your story!

Our Leadership Team continues to grow. We would like to extend a huge welcome to Matthew X. Joseph, Michelle Blanchet, Brian Deters, Kellie Bahri, Andrew Canlé, and Monte Syrie. Learn more about our Leadership Team at codebreakeredu.com.