Author: admin


My heart put me in education. Their hearts made education the perfect fit. Mike Azzalina If I could go back to an alternate universe and meet the 16 year old version of myself, I would warn him of what was coming. He would be annoyed at the cautionary tales that he has heard since he […]

Disrupt by Amplifying Artificial Intelligence Skills

How will artificial intelligence disrupt teaching and learning in schools? Dr. Erik Youngman ChatGPT has increased conversations about artificial intelligence. ChatGPT is a trained chatbot processing tool driven by AI technology that can provide a thorough human-like response  to questions or instructions. First released to the public in November of 2022, ChatGPT continues to be […]

PVNC Press Release

Canada’s Fastest Growing EdTech Consulting Company To Teach 1500 Ontario Students How To Code Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT are quickly consuming classroom conversations all over the globe but without much talk about assessment and evaluation, Code Breaker’s Brian Aspinall doesn’t predict much to change. “We continue to preach risk taking and embracing failure but so […]