EdTech Supergroup Code Breaker Inc. Launches New AI Space for Education
In 2009, Code Breaker Inc. CEO and founder, Brian Aspinall sought out to find a means to bring social networking into classrooms. A seventh and eighth grade teacher at the time, Aspinall built Twiducate, an app that provided a safe way for teachers to share content with students, who in turn were able to practice social networking and written communication skills in the process. Twiducate was the first of seven apps he built over the next six years–each app developed to engage his students further.
With the rise in popularity and users of AI and chatbots, the team behind Code Breaker Inc. is at it again. Code Breaker Presents Byte: The Chatbot for Education is an AI space created by Aspinall for use in education. Access to the chatbot can be found on the Code Breaker Inc. website. The interface does not require a sign in and the company collects no user data, making this the perfect engagement tool in our classrooms today.
Visit chat.codebreakeredu.com to meet Byte and start chatting today!
Official Press Release