S2E25: Step Out Of The Box – The Guiding Principals Podcast
Debbie Tannenbaum works as an Elementary School Technology Specialist in Fairfax County, VA. An educator with over twenty years of experience, Debbie Tannenbaum supports both staff and students to integrate technology tools into instruction through both co-teaching sessions and weekly technology classes. Debbie emphasizes working collaboratively with other educators to use technology tools that amplify student learning and empower student's voices. She also blogs and shares her thoughts and reflections regularly on her website: https://www.tannenbaumtech.com. In May 2021, her book, TRANSFORM: Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky was published by Road to Awesome LLC.
Twitter: @TannenbaumTech
Instagram: @TannenbaumTech
Facebook: debbie.l.tannenbaum and TannenbaumTech group
Website: https://www.tannenbaumtech.com/
Books You've Written: Transform- Techy Notes to Make Learning Sticky
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Marie Curie