Professional development has never been more important than it is today and a “one size fits all” approach just doesn’t cut it anymore.
DisruptED is our take on personal, professional learning. It is a framework of choice matched with need. Build your PLN while adding to your educational toolbox with every one of our virtual sessions.

Equity by Design with Charles Williams
An Exploration of the Intersection of Equity and UDL

Equitable spaces never just happen. They are intentionally and carefully developed. These sessions will introduce participants to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and examine how it can be used to begin inequities within their schools. By exploring the why, what, and how of learning, participants will better understand how to curate instructional spaces to maximize effectiveness for both staff and students. All participants will develop a presentation that can be shared with their school community.
Wednesdays at 8:30 PM (EST) – 3/9, 3/30, 4/20, 5/11
Each session runs 60-90 minutes
Power Of Connections with Matthew X. Joseph
take your professional relationships to the next level

Lifelong learning requires effort. Collaboration as a method of learning has been a fabric of education for years. With today’s technology, our ability to connect is limitless. Power of Connections session will be an opportunity to take your professional relationships to the next level. This session will empower your growth by putting your personalized professional development ideas into your own hands. This session is about the IMPACT – Inspiration, Meaningful, Passionate, Authentic, Care, Today and Tomorrow – connecting with others will have on you. These IMPACT components are the heart of connecting and it is the impact itself that proves just how powerful these connections can be. Registration fee includes a copy of Matthew’s book, Power of Connections.
Sundays at 7:30 PM (EST) – 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 5/1
Each session runs 60-90 minutes
Fighting Your Inner Voice with Christine Ravesi-Weinstein
UNPACKING stories of strength, struggle, and triumph

Regardless of why, we have all struggled to fight an inner voice laden with self doubt and criticism. In this session, participants will hear the unique story of one educator’s fight against her inner voice. Additionally, participants will connect with others regarding periods of personal negativity and the strategies they’ve used to fight back and gain confidence. This session will help others begin to unpack the depths and layers of self-doubt we experience in an effort to further understand the stories of our students. The most impactful teaching occurs when we make connections with our students. These connections happen when we understand shared experience and emotion. Humanizing the educational experience for students through our own authenticity will help students be more successful in the classroom. Registration fee includes a copy of Christine’s book, Fighting Your Inner Voice.
Thursdays at 7:30 PM (EST) – 3/10, 3/24, 4/07, 5/05
Each session runs 60-90 minutes