Chapter 20: Toxic Positivity The Prequel

On this episode of "The Prequel", Mike answers a question he is asked very often. How do we avoid the idea of "Toxic Positivity" or trying to force others to only feel positive emotions despite what their experiences are. He dives into the difference between realistic positivity, creating a brave space for belonging, and allowing people to experience life however they need to in the moment.Subscribe to the YouTube Channel and follow, rate wherever you get your podcasts! Don't forget to pick up merchandise from Mike's online shop: don't forget to follow Mike on the following social media platforms:- Twitter:  @MikeAzzalina- Facebook: Mike Azzalina- Instagram: @azzalinam- TikTok: @MikeAzzalina5- LinkedIn: Mike Azzalina-
  1. Chapter 20: Toxic Positivity
  2. Chapter 18: The Beginner in Us
  3. Chapter 18: Time to Reflect
  4. Chapter 17: Work in Progress
  5. Chapter 16: Be Limitless
  6. Chapter 15: Be the One
  7. Chapter 14: Weight of the Challenge
  8. Chapter 13: Choices
  9. Chapter 12: Be Yourself
  10. Chapter 11: Reach Out

You manage things; you lead people.
Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hoppe