Libo Valencia
I’m passionate about spreading the joy of mathematics through #MathPlay. Facilitating #MathPlay helps students develop a deeper appreciation for math and empowers them to better understand it. What if math class was every kid’s favorite class?

Libo Valencia is a mathematics educator with thirteen years of experience who lives in New York. Libo is a passionate teacher who strongly believes that understanding mathematics can help all students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be utilized outside the classroom. Libo is also known for his use of different technologies to engage his students and bring math concepts to life. He currently teaches at Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, CUNY Lehman College, and Mercy College. As a mathematics educator, he has taught a wide range of subjects, from remedial algebra classes to upper-level calculus. Libo holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, a Master of Arts in Pure Mathematics, and a Master of Science in Educational Leadership.
Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms;
it is about understanding.
William Paul Thurston