Ian Landy
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible!“
Ian is “Principal-ing on the Pacific” in the Powell River school district and is supported by his wife and three children as he explores education topics around technology, mental wellness and personalized learning. Ian has been fortunate enough to spend time teaching in classrooms from K-12 and has loved his time as a teacher-librarian! Always encouraging the blending of technology and curriculum as a key method of differentiation, Ian has been a strong advocate for project based learning via Genius Hour and Self-Organized Learning Environments. His school currently encourages e-portfolios to communicate student learning journeys instead of traditional report cards. Ian has also worked with a number of anxious learners, including his son, and encouraging schools that work with those students who struggle with Generalized Anxiety. Ian also writes reflections each “day of learning” on his blog.
Empathy Around Anxiety
The highest form of knowledge is empathy.
Bill Bullard